'Longing in/for space' explores the emergence of a space by moving through it. It is about a bodily knowledge and a moving thinking. The work consists of three equal parts (dance, photographs, and a book) that speak to, rub against, circle around and touch each other.
The photographs reveal aspects of time and movement unperceivable to the naked eye and in the constant progression of time. They are a visualized inscribing of my moved body into the space.
In contrast to the documentary character of the photographs, the dance performance focuses on the fact that 'here' and 'now' are fragile and can only be determined anew in their direct relation to each other, in every second and at every point in the space.
The book functions, ultimately, like a spider's web, in which the threads of my work converge, spinning from the hub via the lines to the frame into a web, which becomes recognizable as such, but whose open ends are always tied to an outside and refer to a both possible and inevitable so-much-more.
Dance performance, approx. 8 minutes
Chalk, spoken text, dance, photographs, girl folding a handkerchief I - III.
Digital prints of analog photographs, each 1.50 × 2 m.
Book, 90 pages, handmade unsewn binding, 11 × 17 cm.
Year: 2021
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